“I attended my first Bridges Out of Poverty training with Suzie over 10 years ago, and that session changed the trajectory of my working and academic life. Her coaching and steadfast approach to leadership allowed our team to weather major changes in our sector because we could rely on Suzie to provide us with the guidance and support we needed to make it through to the other side.
Suzie understands the importance of a multifaceted circle of support and how this leads people to be the best they can be. She supports these resources for those surviving in poverty, but she also coaches in such a way that builds these resources in her team, community partners, and the city as a whole. I could go on forever about what an amazing coach and mentor Suzie is, but her legacy speaks for itself. Suzie is a trailblazer capable of not only inspiring change but also incredibly skilled at coaching people through the associated growing pains.”