Literacy Ontario Central South

“Suzie is a leader well known for her commitment to helping those facing barriers to education, work, and personal independence. Therefore, it was an easy choice when our Literacy and Basic Skills practitioners were looking for training in coaching. Suzie provided two days of training, separated by several weeks, which gave us the chance to put our new coaching skills into practice. During the sessions, we learned about ourselves and our values. We learned about AND practiced coaching.


Suzie also supported us in applying the Bridges out of Poverty philosophy to our work. It was the first workshop where we had 100% attendance; no one wanted to miss the opportunity to spend two days learning from Suzie. Suzie continues to lead our community of practice, where she checks in, guides discussions, and provides scenarios we can work through. She ensures people have the support and resources they need to continue integrating coaching into their work. This has been a significant step in building our skills and an overall coaching culture. We highly recommend Suzie for her knowledge, facilitation style and commitment to coaching.”

Suzie Johnson-Smith